Pale Coins - Demo 1.3.0

Hey there,

I haven't been active on for quite a while. As a lot have been changed since the last official demo release of Pale Coins, I wanted to provide a new update and a short overview of the new features.

Pale Coins

Demo 1.3.0

The official 1.0 version of the demo was released 6 months ago. It's amazing to see difference and the progress of the last few months.

Major changes

  • 3D Sounds
  • new items!!!
  • new NPCs!!!
  • new main menu screen
  • entrance to the Marin Passage is now in the game (although locked)
  • crafting items is now a thing
  • new intro sprites
  • a cat in the outlaw camp!!!
  • a quest journal has been implemented
  • improved weapon animations
  • new dungeons and bosses

Minor changes

  • VFX improvements for several spells and environmental effects
  • less mana costs for starting spells
  • NPCs react to certain events
  • improved the movement of NPCs
  • option to change the HUD
  • improved transparency shader for trees and bushes
  • combat trainer is now available for combat skills
  • alchemy items are available
  • signs are placed where the demo ends
  • added another option to solve the issue with Lennard's goods
  • more consequences when commiting a crime in the outlaw camp
  • standing torches cast light to the ground
  • completing quests gives XP
  • random prices for weapons with affixes
  • item costs when selling items are reduced
  • consuming food takes longer to restore HP
  • added small icons for equipment in the inventory to easier differentiate between weapons, armor, helmets and artefacts.
  • changed the options menu to make it more compact
  • new NPC in the Crossroad Inn available with a small side quest
  • new map icons and improved icon placements in dungeons and caves
  • added introduction dialogues for several NPCs
  • highlighted NPC names in the dialogues
  • improved the loot goblin behavior to prevent exploits ;)
  • skill for passive mana regeneration can be learned
  • added a confirm dialog to prevent unwanted loading of an old save


  • fixed an issue, where summing missiles sometimes crashed the game
  • fixed damage calculation of certain modifications
  • limited the view for wide screens
  • fixed some translations
  • fixed gamepad issues
  • show notifications above other UI elements
  • fixed a bug where a wrong amount was given to Jens for repairing the bridge
  • fixed a graphic issue in the intro sequence
  • fixed the camera position when any UI window is open
  • fixed some map size configs
  • fixed immunities of some enemies
  • fixed some game crashes after room transitions
  • fixed the quickbar which randomly disappeared


Right now I am working on new regions such as the academy of the wizards.

Also, I am planning on updating the captial in the near future. I was impressed by the city Archolos from the Gothic II Mod "The Chronicles Of Myrtana: Archolos", which I may use as a reference for the re-design. Obviously, due to limited time, I won't be able to create a city as big as Archolos.

Another important thing on my to-do list is to create default dodge/shield abilities. Currently, you'd have to find gear with dodge skills, if you want to dodge attacks. It may by way cooler to have default mechanics to dodge or shield attacks.

Itemization is a thing that has been on my mind recently. I wrote an article about the current state and its problems in Pale Coins and may re-design a lot of items.

That's it for now. I'll try to be more active here in the future and provide more updates.
If you're interested in the development and want shorter updates, feel free to join on Discord: Pale Coins Discord Server

Make sure to wishlist Pale Coins on Steam if you want to support the development: Pale Coins on Steam

Don't forget to download the demo and have fun! :)

Thank you so much and have a great day,



Pale Coins Demo 106 MB
May 07, 2024

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